Is there a documentation
Yes, the documentation is available at:
General questions about MyAAC
Yes, the documentation is available at:
If you sure it’s a bug in the core project – MyAAC, then create issue here: However, it’s good practice to post a issue on forums first, to ensure it’s a bug in project, and not your fault. Link to OtLand support forums: You can also post on Discord, where project maintainers are …
Yes, official Discord server is located here: There is channel: my-aac, where you can write about the project. However, we recommend using more active server, namely OTAcademy: There is channel: support-forum, where you can ask for help.
develop branch is where new features are being tested. Currently (Stand: 16.09.2022), it’s for version 0.9 of the project. All experimental features goes there, then after testing, they will be pushed back into master branch.
Sure, the TODO list is in GitHub wiki, here:
Thanks to our awesome database detection algorithm, we can support most of the distributions out of the box. TFS 0.3/0.4 TFS 1.x OTHire Avesta OTX Server OTServBR-Global 12x Otserv 0.6.3, 0.6.4 and above