Recent security vulnerabilities (XSS + Session fixation)

Hello, It’s late, but I will try to describe security vulnerabilities I found recently: 1) XSS in BugTrackerYou visit bug tracker, hacker can login on your account. This works only if you – as admin – logs into bug tracker and there is malicious report/code from user. The fix is here: Fix XSS in bugtracker.php …

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Demo online again

Hello, the demos are working again, there was a small break since yesterday, cause I migrated from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04, which includes newer PHP 8.1, which was required to run latest myaac. One change – now you login by email on the Latest News – Forgotten (, so to login as admin just use:email address: admin@admin.compassword: …

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v0.9.0-alpha released

After 3 years again, it’s time to release our latest work – MyAAC v0.9.0. Minimum PHP version for this release is PHP v7.2.5. This time as alpha. Please not use in production server. Download & test & give feedback on what’s working, what’s not, and what’s good about this release.

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Next version preview online

News! You can now preview the new release (0.9) and login as admin to view the new admin panel! Page: Login – MyAAC Next Demo ( Login: admin, password: admin You can do almost anything. Only plugin upload is disabled and php pages, for security. You cannot also edit the admin account, and you cannot change …

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